Frequency spectrum using FMOD and UE4


A short tutorial explaining how to extract the frequency spectrum of a sound for our rhythm/music games using UE4 and the library FMOD. In a previous tutorial we have seen how to configure UE4 for using FMOD library now we can make some experiments using this library. We are going to make a visualizer for the frequency spectrum and a beat detector too.

Part 1: Setting up project paths
Part 2: Using the library
Part 3: Frequency spectrum
Part 4: UE4 spectrum visualizer
Part 5: Beat tracking algorithm
Part 6: UE4 beat visualizer

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FMOD and UE4 C++ example


With this tutorial we are going to show you how to use the FMOD library to load and play a sound into a UE4 desktop/mobile project. In a previous tutorial we have explain how to set project paths to be able to use a thirdparty library, now we can start coding a class to use this library.

Part 1: Setting up project paths
Part 2: Using the library
Part 3: Frequency spectrum
Part 4: UE4 spectrum visualizer
Part 5: Beat tracking algorithm
Part 6: UE4 beat visualizer

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Using thirdparty libraries in our UE4 mobile/desktop project


Sometimes we need to include thirdparty libraries to add support to a new feature or simply to facilitate the development. With this tutorial we are going to explain some details to configure and be able to use a thirdparty library with a UE4 project. We also include an annex about how to deploy this libraries into an Android shipping.

Part 1: Setting up project paths
Part 2: Using the library
Part 3: Frequency spectrum
Part 4: UE4 spectrum visualizer
Part 5: Beat tracking algorithm
Part 6: UE4 beat visualizer

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